For nearly a century, controversial debates persist about the processes underlying the emergence of the first pottery-making societies in the Southern Levant. While some specialists have explained the rapid introduction of pottery by the migration of potters’ populations originating from the Northern Levant, others have argued in favor of a gradual adoption of pottery by local Pre-Pottery Neolithic populations. However, the assumptions made so far on the processes underlying the emergence of the first pottery-making societies in the Southern Levant remain highly speculative due to the lack of consistent data on the manufacturing processes of the earliest pottery and the transmission of technical knowledge and know-how.  

          This workshop will be the opportunity to conduct a critical review of the cultural or demic diffusionist theories that have been put forward, by bringing together the main specialists who are working on the ceramic vessels dated back to the 7th millennium cal. BC in the Northern and Southern Levant. It will allow a first comparison of the data currently available on the « chaine opératoire » of earliest pottery in both regions.    

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